Monday, March 17, 2008

RSS (Real simple syndication)

Once I set up my account with Bloglines and included a few RSS feeds, I could see how this services would be useful in sorting out the information you choose to read. The trick in the first instance is where to look for the feeds you want and how to go about finding them. I found the
Google blog search tool quite useful. Initially the process can be time consuming, but in the long run, your information needs are met more quickly.
Where I see this program being of the most use is where information is only updated periodically. You can have the feeds set up and be sure you will get the notification of the updates when they happen.
Time saver or time waster
For straight out news feeds, what is the difference with having a blog in your favorites, or having it in your RSS tool. For people that are at their computer all day, this maybe of benefit, but surely it would be a bigger waste of time having to stop what your doing every five seconds to go and see what the new news feed is. For the best time management, surely it would be better to check out your new feeds or news, when you choose, to be the best time.
The argument for RSS feeds is that you are aware of how many new feeds have happened since last time you went to the blog site. You don't have to go in each time new feeds come in, although the temptation would be there. Also if you only have a site in your favourites you may not remember to visit them. Of course some blogs give the option of an e-mail alert.
Library and RSS
In the library industry, RSS feeds can help in providing the most up to date information on libraries and their services and what is happening in the industry.

1 comment:

pls@slnsw said...

Thanks for your thoughts on RSS. I find them useful on a personal level and I think there's lots of application for the library world.
Kathleen A